A little bit about me.
Like many UX designers, I've had a fairly unconventional path through life. Initially studying Music and Economics at UC Berkeley, I spent some years doing music production and private tutoring. Interestingly, the combination of music technology and the one-on-one time spent tutoring made me discover interaction design as a way to combine what I loved about both; working on challenging problems with technology to solve human problems.
I eventually got my Masters from IU Bloomington in Human-Computer Interaction and it solidified a lot of my thinking about how critical it is to work in a human-centered way. I truly believe that you cannot solve UX problems if you aren't designing with the user in mind, first and foremost. Fifty percent of your time in design is spent uncovering what the real problem is, the rest is then a matter of using the right tools and methods to come up with a good solution.
As a UX designer, I specialize in systems-level thinking, system architecture and user flows. I also have a fairly robust background in qualitative (and some quantitative) user research. Of course I can also design pixel perfect UIs, but I always prefer the time spent on the first two areas.
When I'm not working on design, I'm usually doing something music related. I run a music meetup called Silicon Valley Music Production Workshop and sometimes I even make music! If you're interested in working with me, press the button below.